
Tea Button On

  Tea Button is back. The page is located at Hopefully, the issue with all those foreign services does not bother me anymore. I can't like someone who doesn't like me.

Upcoming changes -- PayPal tea button temporarily disabled

Unfortunately, none of the tip methods I tried worked for me. Too sad, but I cannot use BMC, Ko-fi, or PayPal (I can only pay with it). It feels like Ukraine is pretty much isolated in these means. I do not need Patreon, as it does not suit me right now. The good thing is, I will try connecting a local service like BMC. This is another experience for me -- seeing how few international options are available for Ukraine. At least, Royal Mail finally managed to send the parcel out to me 😂 and we still have Aliexpress...  

A1 Korean done soon

       Yesterday, I finished lesson 8. And now I am able to talk about dates and time. I plan to finish the rest of the book 1 in a month. Then it will be A1 level 😁Who knows, it could be useful for my regular translator's job. It just feels exciting to learn something that looks so unusual, there aren't regular a, b, c letters.         I am lucky because I found free lessons from an authorised Sejong Institute of Korean Language. In the future, I would like to take real lessons too. If nothing bad happens during winter, I can start in the spring.          Lastly, if you ever wanted to try such a challenge, you can do it! What are the hardest languages? Could it be Chinese, Arabic, languages that use Cyrillic symbols?            Despite that, I am sure that even if you are not perfect, speakers still understand you. I can understand someone's Russian even if you do not change the word fo...
Hello everyone,  I have some exciting news to share! I've transitioned to a platform that I believe is more trustworthy and reliable, ensuring a better experience for all of us. 🌟 Here I have more control of my page. Hopefully, once I learn more about how it works, I will create a lovely page. You have the option to show your support directly by tipping me through PayPal. It's a small gesture that goes a long way in helping me continue to create and share with you all. We do not need to deal with other platforms or so. The Buy Me A Tea button is located in the left panel of this blog. 😊 I made the button by myself. Here I can also share new content, we will see! We can always discuss what themes you want to see.